Free Technology Training from TechEd NA 2012 Available NOW

TechNet 2012 – North America has wrapped and what a great show it was.  I was able to attend but had to work so I did not get the opportunity to sit in on many sessions.  However, now I am going to make the opportunity to sit in on the […]

How To Modify Timeout, Change Default or Delete Boot Menu Item From Windows 7 or Later Using MSConfig To Modify Boot Configuration Data

Change Default Selection and Timeout Using MSConfig 1)      Start | type msconfig | Press <ENTER> 2)      Click on the Boot tab 3)      Click to select the option you want to set as default 4)      Click the Set as Default Button 5)      Turn on the checkbox “Make all boot settings permanent” […]

Private Cloud Is The Future of IT, Free Training Coming Soon–Registration Open

Private Cloud is the future of IT, and the future is now. Spend the day at our IT Camp and learn about Microsoft’s virtualization solution, Hyper-V, the first step on your path to mastering Private Cloud. You’ll embark on an interactive journey as you learn the foundation of cloud services, […]

Microsoft Virtual Labs Available NOW! System Center, Windows, Virtualization, SharePoint, Exchange, SQL, And Lots More!

The Free Way To Create a Hyper-V and Virtualization Lab Environment

In a prior post, Pay Yourself First-Learn How With Passive Learning-Free Training From Microsoft On Just About Any Topic–Virtualization, Cloud, Phone, Server, Client, SharePoint, SQL, Many, Many More, I shared a massive amount of information on where you can get great and FREE training on Microsoft products.  I would like […]

Boot2VHD-Part 3-Load OS on VHD With OS Already Installed on Metal

Native Boot To VHD (Boot2VHD) – Everything You Need To Know Part 3… In this multi-part video series we will dive deep into a the new virtualization feature built into Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. It is called Native Boot To VHD (AKA: Boot2VHD). This is the one […]

Boot2VHD-Part 1-Overview of Native Boot To VHD

Native Boot To VHD (Boot2VHD) – Everything You Need To Know… In this multi-part video series we will dive deep into a the new virtualization feature built into Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. It is called Native Boot To VHD (AKA: Boot2VHD). This is the one virtualization platform […]

How To Add SCSI Controller To Hyper-V Guest Server

How to add a SCSI controller to a virtual guest on hyper-V We add the controller, add a drive to it, start the VM and initialize and format the drive.     You can download the video below if you prefer that over the embed http://mschnlnine.vo.llnwd.net/d1/inetpub/danstolts/video/ITPROGuru-2011-06-Adding-SCSI-Controller-To-Hyper-V.wmv The procedures to do […]

How To Merge a Chained Differential VHD Disk So It Can Be Extended and Expanded

In my post Out of Disk Space on Drive C–How To Increase Space on Drive C of a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server 2003 I showed how to expand a drive but these instructions do not work if you have a differencing disk or chain of disks. If you want […]

Out of Disk Space on Drive C–How To Increase Space on Drive C of a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server 2003

Revised 4/2/2011 to add merge change instructions link and link to simple way to do this using diskpart. I documented the process at: How To Expand and Extend To Increase Capacity On A Virtual Hard Disk The Easy and Fast Way–Solve the problem of “Out of Disk Space on Drive […]