DevOps and Bots, What you need to know!

Followers of the ITProGuru blog are likely interested in DevOps.  Those that are advancing in their DevOps journey will undoubtedly want to apply DevOps processes to leverage Bots.  One of my peers, Jamie Dalton has written an excellent blog post to pull together the best information to help you on that journey.  He is eager to make it even better, by soliciting your feedback. 

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DevOps for bots: Sprinkling some devops on your bot

Hackfests are great mechanisms to kickstart the minimum viable product (mvp) for many bots/agents in a very short time.  However, just because you are working to a tight timescale doesn’t mean you should sacrifice good engineering practices.  So if you’re building a bot and want some assistance, checkout the resources below.  Read More