Windows Server 2012 R2

How To Enable Snipping Tool, Windows Media Player and more Desktop Experience Tools on Windows Server 2008-2012 R2

Are you annoyed that you cannot play videos or use some of the cool windows tools like snipping tool with windows server?  Well, you can, they just have to be enabled before you can use them.  Below are instructions for enabling these features in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows […]

How To Convert Physical to Virtual Machine (P2V) Migration – Step By Step – MUCH Easier Than You Might think!

I found a great article I wanted to share.  If you use the Disk2VHD, be careful of SCSI and Raid controllers.  Test booting and running the VM before you blow away the original disk; you have been warned :} … In previous posts, I have shown you how to export […]

How To Sysprep – Sysprep is a Great And powerful tool And Easy Too If You Know How (Step-By-Step)

Sysprep is a tool that is designed for system administrators, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and others who must automatically deploy an operating system on multiple computers. After you perform the initial setup steps on a single computer, you can run the Sysprep tool to prepare the sample computer for cloning.  […]

Inside Windows Azure Online Backup Using PowerShell Step-By-Step

Prerequisites – before we get started! For a complete list of Windows Azure Backup PowerShell cmdlets see: To Install Windows Azure Backup see Backup Windows Server Using Windows Azure Backup Step-By-Step To enable PowerShell for use with Windows Azure and Windows Azure Backup see: Install Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets […]