Monthly Archives: February 2017

Connect-AzureRm from Powershell HOW TO installing & import modules, authenticate (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Step-By-Step

Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell.  Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription     Author: Dan Stolts – dstolts& –         Script Home: Syntax/Execution:       Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE)        Disclaimer: Use at […]

Connect-AzureRm from Powershell HOW TO installing & import modules, authenticate (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Step-By-Step

Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell.  Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription     Author: Dan Stolts – dstolts& –         Script Home: Syntax/Execution:       Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE)        Disclaimer: Use at […]