
The Free Way To Create a Hyper-V and Virtualization Lab Environment

In a prior post, Pay Yourself First-Learn How With Passive Learning-Free Training From Microsoft On Just About Any Topic–Virtualization, Cloud, Phone, Server, Client, SharePoint, SQL, Many, Many More, I shared a massive amount of information on where you can get great and FREE training on Microsoft products.  I would like […]

Boot2VHD-Part 3-Load OS on VHD With OS Already Installed on Metal

Native Boot To VHD (Boot2VHD) – Everything You Need To Know Part 3… In this multi-part video series we will dive deep into a the new virtualization feature built into Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. It is called Native Boot To VHD (AKA: Boot2VHD). This is the one […]

Boot2VHD-Part 1-Overview of Native Boot To VHD

Native Boot To VHD (Boot2VHD) – Everything You Need To Know… In this multi-part video series we will dive deep into a the new virtualization feature built into Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. It is called Native Boot To VHD (AKA: Boot2VHD). This is the one virtualization platform […]

Tips and Tools for Deploying Windows 7–Part 5- Managing and Securing Your Clients and Critical Server Infrastructure

Tips and Tools for Managing and Securing Your Clients and Critical Server Infrastructure Like everyone else, you love Windows 7 and can’t wait to get it deployed throughout your organization. Let’s take a look at the many tips and tools available today to ease your burden of deployment. I have […]

Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 and Migrate Microsoft Office and Other Applications Using The User State Migration Tool (USMT

At recent TechNet events, I had questions about migrating applications using the User State Migration Tool (USMT).  As I suspected, there is support for migrating some applications including Microsoft Office.  In fact, for Microsoft Office it can even migrate settings from an older version of office on the source machine […]