
Join Membership Program and keep up with the latest events that come to the area as well as special promotions and other member only benefits.  What is membership? It is an opportunity to follow Dan Stolts (ITProGuru) and all the events

  • Why ask Dan to send you emails about events?  Microsoft does not have a TechNet Attendee list that they email to on a regular cadence.  They put criteria into a database search and whoever comes up first based on the criteria they entered will get an invite.
  • Are there other ways to find out about these events without giving out my contact information?  Yes.  You could also subscribe (RSS) to Dan’s blog ( as he always posts messages about TechNet events.  Most events are also posted on and
  • Why the phone numbers? The phone numbers are only collected as alternate way to contact someone in case an email bounces or if we cannot read information on the form.   If an email bounces and there is no other contact method, it will simply be deleted from the notification list.
  • Will I be spammed? How many messages should I expect? Messages will be sent to you about events in your local area or national events that may be of interest for you to travel.  In 2010 there were 2 messages sent out.  As of 04/15/2011 only one message was sent out for 2011. On average you should expect not more than 2 per quarter. During launch season (eg. Windows 8, SCVMM 2012) there may be more because there are so many more events.   You will not be sent multiple reminders.  You will not be spammed… In the past our policy was, If you do not register based on the message that is sent out, you simply lose out on that opportunity.  Due to your request I may send out reminders prior to events, but no guarantees.  (if there is an error, or other corrections are needed, an additional message may be sent out.)
  • How do you know what geography to include in messages? There is a City/State field, if it is filled in; that will be used to determine geography.  We will automatically populate the city/state based on the event you attended and submitted this form.  (eg. If you attend an event in New York City, you will be sent invites to events in NYC, Long Island, and other New York Metro areas; you will not get invites for events that are exclusively happening in the Boston area)  You may find out about the Boston event if that same show is coming to both cities.  In that case, a single message will likely be created with registration links to both locations and you would register for the one in your geography.

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With every communication you will be given the opportunity to opt out of future emails. I respect your privacy, please read our online Privacy Statement.