Tag: Management
VMware or Microsoft? – The Complete Series–There really is a difference between virtualization platforms!
You asked for it, so here it is! Here is the list of articles in our “VMware or Microsoft? series, as submitted by our team of IT Pro Technology Evangelists. The series is complete. Below is the entire list of articles! We hope you find these useful! Date Article Author Aug 12, 2013 Series Introduction…
TechNet Radio ITProGuru vs. Hyper-V Replica with Clyde Johnson
Dan Stolts welcomes Clyde Johnson from the Boston Area Windows Server User Group as they discuss and demo us for Hyper-V Replica found in Windows Server 2012. Tune in as they give an overview of what Hyper-V Replica is, why its important for businesses as a disaster recovery solution as well as how to get…
Inside Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Replica With How To Setup and Configure Step-By-Step
Understanding Hyper-V Replica Hyper-V Replica is new in Windows Server 2012. It is an asynchronous, virtual machine replication technology that is designed for business continuity and disaster recovery. Using Hyper-V Replica, you can replicate a virtual machine from one location to another using just Hyper-V and a network connection, as illustrated in the following diagram.…
What Does Windows Azure Cloud Computing REALLY Cost + How to SAVE (Part 15 of 31 Days IaaS) Dan Stolts ITProGuru
So far in this 31 part series that is 31 Days of Servers (VMs) in the Cloud we have learned much about what is Windows Azure is and what it can do. But, how much does it cost? In this edition of the series we will answer that question and more. Free is great but…
Step-by-Step: Running FREE Linux Virtual Machines in the Cloud with Windows Azure (Part 11 of 31 Days IaaS ) – Keith Mayer
The Jan 11th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Step-by-Step: Running FREE Linux Virtual Machines in the Cloud with Windows Azure – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud – Part 11 of 31. The Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering supports running Windows virtual…
Windows Azure and Virtual Networking – Getting Started– (Part 10 of 31 Days IaaS ) – Bob Hunt
The 10th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Windows Azure and Virtual Networking – Getting Started– (31 Days of Windows Servers (VMs) in the Cloud–Part 10 of 31). Yesterday’s blog post introduced Windows Azure Virtual Networks, so after reading that post, the next logical question is “How…
Windows Azure and Virtual Networking–What it is (Part 9 of 31 Days IaaS ) – Bob Hunt
The Jan 9th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Windows Azure and Virtual Networking–What it is –Part 9 of 31). Bob Hunt explains networking and connectivity in simple terms. As businesses start to understand how to leverage the power of Windows Azure, customers find that the Virtual…
Step-by-Step: Setting up Management with Windows Azure (Part 8 of 31 Days IaaS ) – Brian Lewis
The Jan 8th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Setting up Management (8 of 31). Brian Lewis shows us Step-By-Step how to install and use the free tools available for managing your Windows Azure infrastructure. Managing your Cloud based servers in the Windows Azure IAAS web based management…
Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Beta Start Planning Your Migration
The latest release from the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) team provides organizations with tools to accelerate their migration to the cloud. The beta is available on the connect site. Download the beta materials on Connect: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=219165 Accelerate your Windows Server 2012 migration with Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit 8.0 Beta. This latest version…
Free Technology Training from TechEd NA 2012 Available NOW
TechNet 2012 – North America has wrapped and what a great show it was. I was able to attend but had to work so I did not get the opportunity to sit in on many sessions. However, now I am going to make the opportunity to sit in on the sessions. How can I do…
Remotely Manage Windows Server 2008 R2 and More with Remote Server Management and Administration Tools for Windows 7
Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows® 7 with SP1 enables IT administrators to manage roles and features that are installed on computers that are running Windows Server® 2008 R2, Windows Server® 2008, or Windows Server® 2003, from a remote computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows 7 with SP1. You can download from the…
PowerShell 5 Part Online Series
3/12/2012 2:00 PM (ET) – PowerShell Essentials for the Busy Admin (Part 1 of 5): PowerShell ‘SmowerShell’—Why You Should Learn Windows PowerShell https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032508049&Culture=en-US 3/13/2012 2:00 PM (ET) – PowerShell Essentials for the Busy Admin (Part 2 of 5): Heard It through the Pipeline—How to Compound Windows PowerShell Commands for Fun and Profit https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032508051&Culture=en-US 3/14/2012 2:00…
Private Cloud Is The Future of IT, Free Training Coming Soon–Registration Open
Private Cloud is the future of IT, and the future is now. Spend the day at our IT Camp and learn about Microsoft’s virtualization solution, Hyper-V, the first step on your path to mastering Private Cloud. You’ll embark on an interactive journey as you learn the foundation of cloud services, Hyper-V, through architecture, networking, virtual…
Event VDX Drive Down Data Center Costs With Hyper-V And System Center Management–Resources Posted
VDX Drive Down Data Center Costs With Hyper-V And System Center Management High quality, high availability, simple to use and full virtual and physical management at a fraction of the cost of the alternatives. That is what you get with Hyper-V and System Center. In this session, we will look inside Microsoft’s flagship virtualization platform,…
How To Create Enable Permissions and Run a Multi-Line PowerShell Script
This topic explains how to enable scripting in Windows PowerShell, which script extensions are used in Windows PowerShell, how to enable running PowerShell scripts, how to create a script and how run a script.
Live IT Time Private Cloud Chat–Get Your Questions About Cloud or Virtualization Answered By THE Experts
Have you built your first cloud yet? If not, now is a great time to build out a lab. Go ahead, grab a server (or laptop) and setup you proof of concept. If you have not done it already, it is likely because you are worried about what you will do if you get stuck! …
Career Progression-Getting Ready for the Cloud Free Online Training Jan 18
Free TechNet Webcast – Career Progression: Getting Ready for the Cloud on 1/18/2012 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00 AM PST. You will NOT want to miss this…
Have questions about Microsoft’s Private Cloud solutions-Private Cloud Chat
Even Better… We are planning on providing this service to you ongoing. Watch my blog for details and schedule of upcoming chats
Installing System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) 2008 R2 SP1
I am walking through the installation of SCVMM 2008 R2 SP1 on a new server that I just setup in my demo environment. Hope this is helpful. First lets look at the system requirements. If you want to setup your environment with multiple servers or you want to do a custom install you can find…