
Boston Event tonight – Scaling out without flipping out

  Evening event brought to you by DataStax & Microsoft Azure | RSVP Now   I wanted to extend a personal invitation for you to attend. It should be a fun mix of learning and networking, with drinks and dinner included, too. Scaling out without flipping outApril 23, 2015 | […]

More IT-Camps Coming Your Way!!!!

You CAN have the best of both worlds! With Windows Azure and System Center 2012 R2, IT Pros can easily extend an on-premises network to embrace the power and scale of the cloud – securely and seamlessly. These Hybrid Cloud scenarios present real solutions that you can implement today to […]

Windows Azure Week – Free #AzureWeek #WindowsAzure #MVAJumpStart #MSMVA

Windows Azure Week http://aka.ms/azureweek Have you heard about Microsoft Virtual Academy’s Windows Azure Week? It’s a one-week, real-time Windows Azure intensive virtual conference. Are you considering moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud? Are you wondering how to leverage cloud platform features in your apps? Do you want to hear from the experts […]

IT-Camp Cambridge MA 10-04 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros

Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Discover Key Hybrid Cloud […]

IT-Camp Rochester NY 9-26 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros

Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Thursday, September 26, 2013 […]

DON’T MISS IT! Summer Slam July 18, 2013

You don’t want to miss the upcoming Summer Slam!  Virtualization Technology User Group (VTUG), the only platform-independent virtualization user group with over 4000 members, is coming to Brunswick Maine!  Our northeast events are legendary, so you can be sure this conference will be worth your while. This is a FREE […]

Microsoft Virtualization for VMware Professionals IT Camp in Maine

This hands-on training that takes place on July 17, 2013, will provide an introduction to Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V for VMware professionals that are new to Microsoft Virtualization.  Join Symon Perriman, Microsoft’s Senior Technical Evangelist, to learn the Microsoft virtualization terminology, how to create and manage VMs and clusters, configure […]

Is Windows Server 2012, Hyper-V and the Microsoft Virtualization Stack REALLY Ready For Your Datacenter?

We are seeing a great deal of momentum for Hyper-V in a wide range of companies from small to large. Microsoft has made great progress in providing functionality and capabilities that make it a viable server virtualization alternative for all environments from test and development to mission-critical applications. This webcast […]

Building Virtual Machines in the New Microsoft Cloud: From Deployment to Cost Analysis

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services (IaaS) for IT Professionals Join us for Four Series of interactive weekly Webcasts designed to help you understand the true ROI for ‘on-demand’ infrastructure scenarios and walk away with real-world proof of concepts that you can implement in your production environment. Series 1: Building Virtual Machines […]

Virtualization Deep Dive Day 2013 – Thursday March 14th in Cambridge MA–Make your knowledge and Career a priority

The Fifth Annual Virtualization Deep Dive Day is on. Deep Dive Day is a multi-track event with experts from around the country providing great technical talks covering just about every form of virtualization there is. Whether you are new to virtualization, or want the deep technical details on the latest […]

Huge Wave of Technology Events Coming to the North East

New Meetup Group created to simplify reporting and management of event notifications.  Please take a couple minutes to join the group at http://www.meetup.com/NEITPro/ Date Where / Registration Time Event Description 2/26/2013 Farmington, CT  Microsoft 9a-4pm IT Camp – Server 2012  (Hands On) Most Monday’s Office Hours with ITProGuru Dan Stolts […]