Installing Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 Step-By-Step

Video: 8 mins Step-By-Step Guide 1) Download Windows Server 2012 http://aka.ms/getwin2012 2) Follow Step-By-Step Instructions to configure BIOS Configure BIOS Before Installing Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V 3) Press the <ENTER>to boot from DVD4) Follow remaining steps in Video Happy Installing!!! These instructions are almost identical and can be followed […]

Free Technology Training from TechEd NA 2012 Available NOW

TechNet 2012 – North America has wrapped and what a great show it was.  I was able to attend but had to work so I did not get the opportunity to sit in on many sessions.  However, now I am going to make the opportunity to sit in on the […]

IT-Pro Tech Update 2012 Event Coming May 2nd To Providence–Great Lineup!

IT Pro Tech Update 2012 On Wednesday May 2nd 2012, the IT-Pro User Group is hosting Tech Update 2012 an all day FREE event. Come join us for this FREE event and discover the next phase of Information Technology as we discuss Windows 8 in the business environment, Virtualization, Security, […]

Event VDX Drive Down Data Center Costs With Hyper-V And System Center Management–Resources Posted

VDX Drive Down Data Center Costs With Hyper-V And System Center Management High quality, high availability, simple to use and full virtual and physical management at a fraction of the cost of the alternatives. That is what you get with Hyper-V and System Center. In this session, we will look […]

Using PowerShell to Get or Set NetworkAdapterConfiguration-View and Change Network Settings Including DHCP, DNS, IP Address and More (Dynamic AND Static) Step-By-Step

I was looking for a really good and thorough post on network configuration via PowerShell and could not find what I was looking for.  There were many out there but none of them gave me the complete story.  DNS is a bit more complicated so they left off DNS .  […]

Live IT Time Private Cloud Chat–Get Your Questions About Cloud or Virtualization Answered By THE Experts

Have you built your first cloud yet?  If not, now is a great time to build out a lab.  Go ahead,  grab a server (or laptop) and setup you proof of concept.  If you have not done it already, it is likely because you are worried about what you will […]