Category: Step-By-Step
Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint Dev-Test Farm in the Cloud (Part 2 – Register a DNS Server in Windows Azure)
Windows Azure Infrastructure Services provides cloud-based storage, virtual networks and virtual machines that can be provisioned on-demand to support lab, pilot or production application workloads. In this multi-part Step-By-Step hands on lab format we will walk you through the entire process. The introduction and index post can be found at: Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint…
Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint Dev-Test Farm in the Cloud (Part 1 – Get Started with Windows Azure Infrastructure Services)
Windows Azure Infrastructure Services provides cloud-based storage, virtual networks and virtual machines that can be provisioned on-demand to support lab, pilot or production application workloads. In this multi-part Step-By-Step hands on lab format we will walk you through the entire process. The introduction and index post can be found at: Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint…
Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint Dev-Test Farm in the Cloud using Windows Azure Infrastructure Services (Part 0 – Introduction)
Windows Azure Infrastructure Services provides cloud-based storage, virtual networks and virtual machines that can be provisioned on-demand to support lab, pilot or production application workloads. In this multi-part Step-By-Step hands on lab format we will walk you through the entire process. The introduction and index post can be found at: Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint…
How To Sign up for a Free Microsoft Account (aka LiveID)
Step 1 – Sign-up for a new Microsoft Account ( aka., Windows Live ID ) Your Microsoft Account is used for many things including most Microsoft properties (MSDN, TechNet, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Xbox, Azure, download software, etc.) DO IT: Sign-up for a new Microsoft Account ( note, that depending on your Internet web browser configuration,…
Getting Started With Windows Azure–Step-By-Step Free Cloud Server Hours!
Using the 4 easy steps provided in this article, you’ll be able to activate a FREE Windows Azure Trial Subscription, suitable for building your Lab in the Cloud for Windows Server 2012 R2 or Linux without the need for local on-premises lab hardware. This trial subscription provides a tremendous opportunity to gain hands-on experience with…
Adding Tags Dropdown List To Windows Live Writer–Step-By-Step
If you are a blogger, you probably know how important it is to add tags to your blog posts. So why in the world does the best blog editor (Windows Live Writer) not have a place to enter tags? Well, it does, you just have to enable it. Different blog engines will use different fields…
Windows Azure Delete Storage, Containers, Disks and Images Step-By-Step
To delete storage click Storage then click the container then click Delete Error:“Storage account gurulabstor1309 has 1 container(s) which have an active image and/or disk artifacts. Ensure those artifacts are removed from the image repository before deleting this storage account.” Go to Storage –> Double-Click on Storage to go to the detail/dashboard –> Click Containers…
Advanced Memory Management in a Virtual World – Not All Memory Management is Equal #VMWOrMS #VirtExpert Step-By-Step
Welcome to another of our series of “VMware or Microsoft?” articles. Hyper-V 3 which is built into both the Free Hyper-V Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 (Standard and Datacenter) which you can evaluate for free (free ISO, free VHD), has some really awesome capabilities. You can read more about Hyper-V in the overview of…
NVIDIA display driver stopped responding and has recovered, here’s a simple fix that’s worked for many
Ah, the dreaded “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” message, aka, TDR error. The story: Last summer, I bumped into a Windows 7 video driver problem that was particularly difficult to cure. Moving graphics cards around and upgrading drivers didn’t fix the issue. The whole saga turned out to be a bit complex, but in…
Virtual Memory Management: Dynamic Memory-Much Different Than Memory Over Commit – Become a Virtualization Expert (Part 3 of 20)
Hyper-V 3 which is built into both the Free Hyper-V Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 (Standard and Datacenter) which you can evaluate for free (free ISO, free VHD), has some really awesome capabilities. You can read more about Hyper-V in the overview of the Server Virtualization Series: Hyper-V Basics. In this article, we are…
Hyper-V Replica Step-By-Step #VirtExpert Virtualization Experts (Series Part 22)
Hyper-V 3 which is built into both the Free Hyper-V Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 (Standard and Datacenter) which you can evaluate for free (free ISO, free VHD), has some really awesome capabilities. You can read more about Hyper-V in the overview of the Server Virtualization Expert Series: Hyper-V Basics. In this article, we…
Windows Task Manager auto-started as an effective CPU monitor in your system tray
Overview: You can use Windows Task Manager as an effective CPU monitor left running in the system tray as a notification icon. It’s light on system resources, and safe to leave running full-time. Discreetly shows you how busy your system is, at-a-glance. Moving your mouse cursor over the icon provides a surprisingly handy pop-up view of…
Migration and Deployment How To Migrate or Transfer Files And Settings To Windows 8 From Windows 7, Vista or XP (Part 4 of 19)
Overview: You can use Windows Easy Transfer wizard to migrate files from your old computer to your new computer. Using the Easy Transfer Wizard is super simple. You can use this tool to transfer you files and settings even if you are moving from an 32 bit (x86) environment to an 64 bit (x64). Basically…
How to Create FileName Variable with Date And Time From Command CMD Batch File For Use in Creating Unique Filename
I created this script for use in my AutoBootVHD8.cmd file which is part of a hands on lab Here is the resulting code.. @echo Backing up Boot Configuration Data Rem Create FileName with datatime :: this is Regional settings dependent so tweak this according your current settingsEcho %DATE% %Time%for /f “tokens=1-8 delims=::./ ” %%A…
Inside Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Replica With How To Setup and Configure Step-By-Step
Understanding Hyper-V Replica Hyper-V Replica is new in Windows Server 2012. It is an asynchronous, virtual machine replication technology that is designed for business continuity and disaster recovery. Using Hyper-V Replica, you can replicate a virtual machine from one location to another using just Hyper-V and a network connection, as illustrated in the following diagram.…
Step-by-Step: Templating VMs in the Cloud with Windows Azure and PowerShell (Part 17 of 31) Keith Mayer
The 17th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Step-by-Step: Templating VMs in the Cloud with Windows Azure and PowerShell – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud – Part 17 of 31 In this edition, Keith Mayer walks us step-by-step through using Templates with PowerShell in Windows…
How to Create an Azure VM with PowerShell (Part 14 of 31) – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud Series – Brian Lewis
The 14th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at How to Create an Azure VM with PowerShell (Part 14 of 31) – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud Series. In this edition, Brian Lewis explains step-by-step how to use PowerShell to create a virtual machine. He looks at:…
Step-By-Step Creating Azure Virtual Machines with System Center App Controller (Part 13 of 31) – Kevin Remde
The 13th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Creating Azure Virtual Machines with App Controller (Part 13 of 31) In this edition, Kevin Remde explains how to (Step-By-Step) use App Controller to create/deploy virtual machines on Windows Azure. App Controller is part of System Center. If you…
How To Backup or Export your Blog powered by Telligent – TechNet, MSDN, or Other Blog Site Step-By-Step
If you haven’t exported your MSDN/TechNet theme (with all of the customization you’ve done) then you could spend a bunch of time recreating it if there is a problem. You might be thinking that Themes are just standard stuff, but they actually hold your widgets, settings you’ve selected, and content in some cases like “Generic”…
Step-by-Step: Running FREE Linux Virtual Machines in the Cloud with Windows Azure (Part 11 of 31 Days IaaS ) – Keith Mayer
The Jan 11th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Step-by-Step: Running FREE Linux Virtual Machines in the Cloud with Windows Azure – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud – Part 11 of 31. The Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering supports running Windows virtual…