Step-By-Step Creating Azure Virtual Machines with System Center App Controller (Part 13 of 31) – Kevin Remde

The 13th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Creating Azure Virtual Machines with App Controller (Part 13 of 31)  In this edition, Kevin Remde explains how to (Step-By-Step) use App Controller to create/deploy virtual machines on Windows AzureApp Controller is part of System Center.  If you do not yet have it, you can download it from Private Cloud evaluation software HERE.  If you don’t have System Center App Controller configured to manage you Windows Azure account you can learn how to do it at: Step-by-Step: Connecting System Center 2012 App Controller to Windows Azure (Part 12 of 31)


Read the story!!!  31 Days of Servers in the Cloud – Creating Azure Virtual Machines with App Controller (Part 13 of 31)

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Get Started Now – Create a free Windows Azure Account (NOTE: Free Account requires a Credit Card during registration but you will NOT be billed if you do not manually change your account to a Production/Pay Account)

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