How To Backup or Export your Blog powered by Telligent – TechNet, MSDN, or Other Blog Site Step-By-Step

If you haven’t exported your MSDN/TechNet theme (with all of the customization you’ve done) then you could spend a bunch of time recreating it if there is a problem.  You might be thinking that Themes are just standard stuff, but they actually hold your widgets, settings you’ve selected, and content in some cases like “Generic” or “Unfiltered” widgets.  

To Export your Blog Configuration go into your dashboard.


then click on the Configure tab, last click on Themes


Scroll down; You will see Export.  I Highly recommend everyone does this; it could save you a world of hurt later.


Then click Save and decide where to save it.  I put mine in the folder that I have all my blog pictures. Smile


Then, down the road if you hose your site, you can do an IMPORT. This will save all of your configuration, but not your posts or pages.  Hope this helps!!!

Thanks to Tommy Patterson for sharing this really cool trick with me!
