Hyper-V for VMware Experts Part 2–Webcast

We are seeing a great deal of momentum for Hyper-V in a wide range of companies from small to large. Microsoft has made great progress in providing functionality and capabilities that make it a viable server virtualization alternative for all environments from test and development to mission-critical applications. This webcast is focused on providing information about Microsoft Hyper-V specifically for VMware experts so they understand how these two solutions map to one another for those considering a multi-hypervisor strategy or just want to be smarter about another major virtualization technology.

August 22, 2013 from noon to 1 PM ET.

Register Now! http://www.vtug.com/webcasts/webcast-hyper-v-for-vmware-experts-part-2/

Register here for Hyper-V for VMware Experts Part 2

Click here to view the video of Hyper-V for VMware Experts Part 1

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Date Changed to August 22nd, hope this is not too much of a problem