Category: Uncategorized
AI Event: Why Your AI Isn’t Delivering the Results You Need—And How to Fix It
AI is a game-changer for small businesses—but only if used correctly. Many business owners and professionals expect instant value from AI, only to be met with generic, uninspiring, or off-target results. The problem isn’t the AI—it’s how it’s being used. At jIT Solutions, we’ve developed the jIT AI DEEP Methodology—a structured, step-by-step process to refine AI-generated responses and transform them…
PowerShell Saving SecureCredentials and Converting to and from Text
I wanted a way to save credentials to a file but I did not want it to be a plain text password. To solve this challenge, I captured the name & password at the command prompt (or parameter), converted it to a secure string then saved it out to XML. Then I needed to read…
70-534 Architecting Azure Solutions Event Summary
On June 13-14, 2017 Microsoft put on an invite-only event for many of our customers. This was scaled back to invite only as a trial and proof of concept. Our attempt was to hone in on the technology education that these customers need to get their Architects, Developers and IT professional the understanding they need…
DevOps, Containers and Next Generation Microservices
DevOps, Containers and Next Generation Microservices Microsoft Reactor at Grand Central Tech 335 Madison Ave, New York, NY (map) Register on Meetup AGENDA · 6:30 PM – PIZZA & NETWORKING: Doors open, head to the Microsoft Reactor on the 4th floor. Food & drinks will be served, courtesy of Microsoft. Take the opportunity to mingle…
PowerShell in Action! Event Burlington Ma June 2nd 2017
PowerShell in Action – June 2, 2017 – Microsoft Burlington – 5 Wayside Road, Burlington MA Join us for a day of PowerShell. Just as it is a tool for you to do amazing things, we are going to use it as a tool to explore amazing technologies. If you are looking to learn PowerShell,…
Techstravaganza 2017 Event
ITProGuru Session: Azure & Windows Nano Server with Docker; Hybrid is possible (Track: Azure)Containers, the next wave of virtualization, are changing everything! Add it to an ultra-small and supper efficient OS like Nano and you have an incredible platform. Now with Docker running on Windows and Docker Containers built into both Azure and Windows Server,…
Getting Started with VSCode and Markdown Step-By-Step Markdown-Preview-Scroll
Markdown Preview VS Code supports Markdown files out of the box. You just start writing Markdown text, save the file with the .md (.html works too) extension and then you can toggle the visualization of the editor between the code and the preview of the Markdown file; obviously, you can also open an existing Markdown…
VTUG at Gillette Stadium No Charge Technology Event, MUST ATTEND-Cloud, Containers, DevOps, Virtualization and MORE!
This is an AWESOME Event. I have been attending all VTUG events for years. They provide a wealth of knowledge on many topics. This is a not your typical user group event. It is more like a small scale national event but it is put on by the community for the Technology Community. Any other…
Lab Guide Working with Containers on Windows 10–Includes Docker and Nano Step-By-Step
Hands on Lab Guide for Free Online Labs at: Working with Containers on Windows 10 Access machines from: Objective In this lab, you will gain fundamental knowledge for managing Windows Server containers on Windows 10 by using Docker commands. You will learn how to: Install the pre-requisites for Docker on Windows 10.…
Lab Guide Working with Containers on Windows 10–Includes Docker and Nano Step-By-Step
Hands on Lab Guide for Free Online Labs at: Working with Containers on Windows 10 Access machines from: Objective In this lab, you will gain fundamental knowledge for managing Windows Server containers on Windows 10 by using Docker commands. You will learn how to: Install the pre-requisites for Docker on Windows 10.…
How to exit (quit) Linux vi editor with or without saving changes Step-by-Step
Incredibly simple; if you know how…. First how to launch vim From the command prompt: change to path where file is located with “cd” vi filename This will edit filename starting at line 1. ========================= To exit without saving changes made: Press <Escape>. (You must be in insert or append mode if not, just start…
Step-By-Step Hands on Lab Managing Docker on Windows with Hyper-V Virtual Lab now available
Managing Docker on Windows with Hyper-V Virtual lab Microsoft recently launched a free, virtual hands on lab Managing Docker on Windows in partnership with Learn on Demand Systems, a training partner within the Microsoft family. This virtual lab was created as an educational offering to engage, inspire and inform the US Modern…
DevOps, Containers, Windows Server 2016 and Azure Event Burlington MA Nov 18
Hands On Lab Event coming to Burlington MA Friday, November 18, 2016 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Microsoft Corporation 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA (edit map) The Boston Area Windows Server User Group ( is sponsoring a training class “DevOps, Containers, Windows Server 2016 and Azure” for their members and to the local technology community.…
How To Docker Create Container, Change Container, Save as new image, and Connect to Container Step-By-Step PLUS much more
Docker Cheat Sheet For those just getting started with Docker and for me to have an easy place to go back and get this basic information…I wanted to create a cheat sheet. The electronic version of this document can be found at A couple URGENT basic notes… the $ and the # in the…
How PowerShell and DSC Empowers DevOps and the Cloud–PSUG October Event in Cambridge
Dan Stolts from Microsoft and comes to Boston PowerShell User group with a full session on Desired State Configuration! DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run. DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell…
How PowerShell and DSC Empowers DevOps and the Cloud–PSUG October Event in Cambridge
Dan Stolts from Microsoft and comes to Boston PowerShell User group with a full session on Desired State Configuration! DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run. DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell…
PowerShell User Group July Meeting in Boston
PowerShell User Group July Meeting – OneGet, PS Gallery, and Community Projects Monday, July 18, 2016 6:00 PM Where: Microsoft 255 Main Street, Cambridge, MA (map) 42.362682 -71.085350 Topic: Warren Frame will lead a discussion on how to simplify finding, installing, and publishing PowerShell modules and other packages using the down-level-compatible PowerShellGet and OneGet modules.…
What are Containers and Why Containerization an In-Depth Look at the Future of the Cloud and Virtualization Landscape
In this article, we will look at servers, containers and why containerization has become so popular. On this journey we will also see where this technology is going and how long it will likely take to gain mainstream adoption. Virtualization Technologies and How They Differ In order to understand containers, we need to first understand…
How To Become an Member of the Elite Evangelism Team at Microsoft
Read about a new opening in NYC to become a part of my team at Microsoft…
Create Bootable Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022, Windows 10, 11 USB Thumb Drive for Installing OS – no .exe required BIOS & UEFI
These procedures were written and tested using Windows Server 2016 but will work on any version of Windows Server or Windows Desktop version 8 or above. They should work on prior versions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Note:…