Tag: Windows Azure
IT-Camp Cambridge MA 10-04 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros
Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros You…
IT-Camp Rochester NY 9-26 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros
Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Thursday, September 26, 2013 9:00 AM Microsoft Office…
Windows Azure Delete Storage, Containers, Disks and Images Step-By-Step
To delete storage click Storage then click the container then click Delete Error:“Storage account gurulabstor1309 has 1 container(s) which have an active image and/or disk artifacts. Ensure those artifacts are removed from the image repository before deleting this storage account.” Go to Storage –> Double-Click on Storage to go to the detail/dashboard –> Click Containers…
BrightPlanIT Azure event on August 2nd in Buffalo, NY
Here’s your chance to learn how to run Windows Server 2012 in the cloud on Windows Azure! Join us at a free Microsoft IT Lab for hands-on demos and interactive discussions with Microsoft technical experts. You’ll work closely with the newly released Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and also get the opportunity to…
Free Technology Events Coming–Starts Tomorrow, Register NOW
More than twenty to chose from. Attend one or more of these free events to learn about Windows Server 2012, Windows Azure and other great new technologies. Featured Event: Windows Server 2012 Loadfest Get Hands-On with Windows Server 2012 and Hyper-V 3.0. The primary focus will be on Windows Server 2012. Leave work for the…
Building Virtual Machines in the New Microsoft Cloud: From Deployment to Cost Analysis
Windows Azure Infrastructure Services (IaaS) for IT Professionals Join us for Four Series of interactive weekly Webcasts designed to help you understand the true ROI for ‘on-demand’ infrastructure scenarios and walk away with real-world proof of concepts that you can implement in your production environment. Series 1: Building Virtual Machines in the New Microsoft Cloud:…
Windows Azure Infrastructure Services Training Days in US East Region (The Good Stuff)
– Please come with an active Windows Azure subscription (http://aka.ms/IaaS) Venue City Date Start Time End Time Venue Name & Registration New York City 5/21/2013 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Microsoft NYC Office Reston 5/22/2013 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Microsoft Reston Office Tampa 5/30/2013 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Microsoft Tampa Office Malvern 5/30/2013 9:00 AM 3:00…
Site-to-Azure VPN using Windows Server 2012 RRAS Step-By-Step
I have had on my blog todo list for a number of months to put a Step-By-Step blog post together on How To setup a VPN from my on-premise datacenter to my Windows Azure environment. If you do not already have an Azure account, you can get a free trial at http://aka.ms/IaaS. Before I could…
Configuring and Optimizing Your Private Cloud with System Center 2012 SP1 #BuildYourCloud Week 3
Are you virtualizing your servers? Yes, of course! Are you spending less time managing your servers as a result? Hmm … No! Server Virtualization is Great, But … Server virtualization has been a great set of technologies to reduce our capital expenses and some operating expenses by consolidating a larger number of virtualized server workloads…
Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Services are READY FOR PRODUCTION USE!
We’ve been talking about Windows Azure virtual machines, and using Azure as “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” (IaaS) for many months now. We’ve been promoting the heck out of the 90-day free trial of Windows Azure to IT Pros all over the world; but with the caveat that the capability to create (or upload) virtual machines with persistent storage…
Building Your Private Cloud Fabric with System Center 2012 SP1 #BuildYourCloud Week 2
Are you virtualizing your servers? Yes, of course! Are you spending less time managing your servers as a result? Hmm … No! Server Virtualization is Great, But … Server virtualization has been a great set of technologies to reduce our capital expenses and some operating expenses by consolidating a larger number of virtualized server workloads…
Automatically Deploy System Center 2012 in Just a Couple Hours; Need Hardware, Use Azure #MMS2013 All FREE!
First off, if you do not have System Center 2012, you can download a free evaluation from System Center 2012. You will need Windows Server 2012 which you can also download (ISO, VHD) for free. If you do not have hardware to put it on, let me recommend that you also start a Free Windows…
Getting Started with Windows Azure Virtual Machines and Virtual Networks #MMS2013
Don’t Have a Windows Azure Account yet? Free 90 Day Azure Trial is available. David Aiken teaches us about Azure Virtual machines and Virtual Networks. Learn how to extend your existing applications and your skills to the cloud, delivering solutions quickly for the growing needs of your business. We will cover how to build private,…
Windows Azure Active Directory is now ready for use in production environments and it is FREE!
Windows Azure Active Directory has reached general availability and is now ready for use in production environments. Windows Azure Active Directory (Windows Azure AD), enables customers to maintain a single identity that can be used to access applications that are run on Windows Azure or within their own data centers by federating with their…
Build Your Private Cloud Foundation with Windows Server 2012 Series Week 1 #BuildYourCloud
Are you virtualizing your servers? Yes, of course! Are you spending less time managing your servers as a result? Hmm … No! Server Virtualization is Great, But … Server virtualization has been a great set of technologies to reduce our capital expenses and some operating expenses by consolidating a larger number of virtualized server workloads…
FREE Hands-on “Virtual Study Halls” with Live Expert Q&A
NEW HOURS! Based on popular demand, we’ve updated the hours for “Early Experts” Virtual Study Hall assistance – Fridays each week from 11AM to 1PM Eastern Time. – – – – – – – – – – There’s so many cool features to explore in the latest Windows infrastructure offerings that it’s hard to find…
Huge Wave of Technology Events Coming to the North East
New Meetup Group created to simplify reporting and management of event notifications. Please take a couple minutes to join the group at http://www.meetup.com/NEITPro/ Date Where / Registration Time Event Description 2/26/2013 Farmington, CT Microsoft 9a-4pm IT Camp – Server 2012 (Hands On) Most Monday’s Office Hours with ITProGuru Dan Stolts 8am-9am Please RSVP 3/5/2013 Providence,…
Setup A Windows Azure Web Server For Your Windows 8 Privacy Policy in Five Minutes (or Less)
One of my friends on the developer side of the house created an outstanding post on how to create a Windows Azure website to host a privacy policy for a windows 8 application. Jim really made this very complex problem a super simple 9 step process. See his post Set up Your Windows 8 Privacy…
Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces (Part 27 of 31) by Kevin Remde
The 27th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud (Part 27 of 31). In this edition, Kevin Remde explains how you can leverage Windows Azure to learn “Storage Spaces” and…
Using Your Own SQL Server in Windows Azure Step-By-Step (Part 22 of 31) by Blain Barton
The 22nd edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Part 22 of 31 – Using your own SQL Server in Windows Azure – 31 Days of IaaS In this edition, Blain Barton explains Step-By-Step how you can create a new VM and learn how to install SQL Server.…