Tag: PowerShell
Azure Getting Started via PowerShell
I have done hundreds of events and there are always obstacles to onboarding the attendees/students. I decided to create a succinct help document. I hope this helps PowerShell Everything after a “#” pound sign is a not and can be ignored; no need to paste that into the PowerShell window. Run PowerShell as an Administrator…
How To use PowerShell to Install and Import Modules and Connect to Azure–Step by Step
<# ========= Connect-AzureRm.ps1 ======================================= Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµsoft.com – http://ITProGuru.com Script Home: http://ITProGuru.com/Scripts Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk!…
How To use PowerShell to Install and Import Modules and Connect to Azure–Step by Step
<# ========= Connect-AzureRm.ps1 ======================================= Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµsoft.com – http://ITProGuru.com Script Home: http://ITProGuru.com/Scripts Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk!…
PowerShell in Action! Event Burlington Ma June 2nd 2017
PowerShell in Action – June 2, 2017 – Microsoft Burlington – 5 Wayside Road, Burlington MA Join us for a day of PowerShell. Just as it is a tool for you to do amazing things, we are going to use it as a tool to explore amazing technologies. If you are looking to learn PowerShell,…
Techstravaganza 2017 Event
ITProGuru Session: Azure & Windows Nano Server with Docker; Hybrid is possible (Track: Azure)Containers, the next wave of virtualization, are changing everything! Add it to an ultra-small and supper efficient OS like Nano and you have an incredible platform. Now with Docker running on Windows and Docker Containers built into both Azure and Windows Server,…
Connect-AzureRm from Powershell HOW TO installing & import modules, authenticate (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Step-By-Step
Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµsoft.com – http://ITProGuru.com Script Home: http://ITProGuru.com/Scripts Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk! See details…
Connect-AzureRm from Powershell HOW TO installing & import modules, authenticate (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Step-By-Step
Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµsoft.com – http://ITProGuru.com Script Home: http://ITProGuru.com/Scripts Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk! See details…
Lab Guide Working with Containers on Windows 10–Includes Docker and Nano Step-By-Step
Hands on Lab Guide for Free Online Labs at: https://labondemand.com/Launch/40A59076 Working with Containers on Windows 10 Access machines from: https://labondemand.com/Launch/40A59076 Objective In this lab, you will gain fundamental knowledge for managing Windows Server containers on Windows 10 by using Docker commands. You will learn how to: Install the pre-requisites for Docker on Windows 10.…
Lab Guide Working with Containers on Windows 10–Includes Docker and Nano Step-By-Step
Hands on Lab Guide for Free Online Labs at: https://labondemand.com/Launch/40A59076 Working with Containers on Windows 10 Access machines from: https://labondemand.com/Launch/40A59076 Objective In this lab, you will gain fundamental knowledge for managing Windows Server containers on Windows 10 by using Docker commands. You will learn how to: Install the pre-requisites for Docker on Windows 10.…
DevOps, Containers, Windows Server 2016 and Azure Event Burlington MA Nov 18
Hands On Lab Event coming to Burlington MA Friday, November 18, 2016 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Microsoft Corporation 5 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA (edit map) The Boston Area Windows Server User Group (www.WindowsBoston.com) is sponsoring a training class “DevOps, Containers, Windows Server 2016 and Azure” for their members and to the local technology community.…
How PowerShell and DSC Empowers DevOps and the Cloud–PSUG October Event in Cambridge
Dan Stolts from Microsoft and ITProGuru.com comes to Boston PowerShell User group with a full session on Desired State Configuration! DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run. DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell…
How PowerShell and DSC Empowers DevOps and the Cloud–PSUG October Event in Cambridge
Dan Stolts from Microsoft and ITProGuru.com comes to Boston PowerShell User group with a full session on Desired State Configuration! DSC is a new management platform in Windows PowerShell that enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the environment in which these services run. DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell…
PowerShell working with Azure Resource Manager RM – Step By Step Changing RM Subscriptions
There are two different types resource modes in Azure. One is the Service Manager (classic) and the other is the new Resource Manager. Resource Manager is the new model and much, much better for a bunch of reasons. Those reasons are beyond the scope of this post but the way to connect to the Resource…
IT Pro Con NY (Techstravaganza) March 25-registration Now Open
The conference formerly known as “New York City Techstravaganza” will now be called “IT Pro Con NY”. It is a one-day grassroots technical conference for IT Pros that is brought to you by a few of the local community groups in cooperation with Microsoft. IT Pro Con NY 2016 will be held on March 25th,…
ITProGuru Events Newsletter 2016-02 Iowa Caucus app, Free Azure Architect Training, Talent Gap and MUCH MORE
Previously: Jan Edition, Feb Edition, … View Online Current Version at http://itproguru-app.azurewebsites.net/newsletter ITProGuru Events Microsoft Official Newsletter 2/18/2016 Edition: 2016 Vol 2 Jump to: ♦ TechNet Events ♦ Online ♦ Community Events ♦ Third Party Events ♦ Subscribe Now ♦ What’s Next ♦ Events by Regions coming soon ♦ New Way to Communicate ♦ 2016…
How To Deploy Nano Server Windows Server 2016 Step-By-Step Plus Great Tips on Managing Nano Server
Nano Server is a new and super small footprint of Windows Server 2016. You do not deploy by using the setup like you do with other versions of the OS. Nano Server is deployed via PowerShell. The files and scripts needed for deployment are on the Windows server 2016 ISO image. There are several different…
GUI Form Using PowerShell Add Panel, Label, Edit box, Combo Box, List Box, CheckBox and More!!!
Demonstrate how create and work with GUI Forms using PowerShell. Shows how to create Forms, add labels, text boxes, panels, combo boxes, Pick Lists, and more. Shows how to populate all fields including picklists and combobox lists and work with properties. Shows how to populate and work with array objects. Uses Azure commands to populate…
Provision Storage Configuration with PowerShell-Part 2 of Using Storage Spaces Deployment Guide
ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Storage-Spaces-Automated-3caf249a After hardware validation, you can begin creating Storage Pools and Virtual disks from the disks. Run the ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 script with: PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 -Automated PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 –PhysicalDisks <physical disk objects> The first option is recommended and will add all of the SAS disks to the storage pool. If you want to use…
Automating and Testing Storage Spaces Performance with PowerShell Part 1 of Deployment Guide
This is the first of a two part series on “Automating and Testing Storage Spaces Performance with PowerShell-Part 1of Using Storage Spaces Deployment Guide” In the series, we walk through the Storage Spaces Deployment Guide for Automation Scripts. This guide will instruct you on how to create and test a new Storage Spaces deployment using…
TechNet Radio: DFSR & PowerShell in Windows Server 2012
DFSR, PowerShell and live on-screen how-to demos! Can it get any better than that people?!?! We didn’t think so (a) Join Dan Stolts and Ned Pyle for this demo intensive how-to episode where they show us the power of DSFR and PowerShell together in action.