To delete storage click Storage then click the container then click Delete
Error:“Storage account gurulabstor1309 has 1 container(s) which have an active image and/or disk artifacts. Ensure those artifacts are removed from the image repository before deleting this storage account.”
Go to Storage –> Double-Click on Storage to go to the detail/dashboard –> Click Containers click the Container .. Select Delete (on the bottom of the screen)
If you get an error like:
“The following virtual machine disks use blobs in this container, so the container cannot be deleted: GuruLabAD1309-GuruLabAD1309-0-201309111347490570, GuruLabDB1309-GuruLabDB1309-0-201309121956570430”
then you have disks or images that need to be deleted first…
If you want to delete the storage account, you need to delete any images/disks you have remaining in that storage account.
Go to Virtual Machines -> “Disks” or “Images” tab -> select the images/disks that you have located in the Storage Account you want to delete -> then hit the “Delete disk” or “delete image” command. Back these up if you need before hitting the delete.
Once the images/disks in the storage account have been deleted, you should be able to delete the containers and the storage account.
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