Category: Step-By-Step
AI Event: Why Your AI Isn’t Delivering the Results You Need—And How to Fix It
AI is a game-changer for small businesses—but only if used correctly. Many business owners and professionals expect instant value from AI, only to be met with generic, uninspiring, or off-target results. The problem isn’t the AI—it’s how it’s being used. At jIT Solutions, we’ve developed the jIT AI DEEP Methodology—a structured, step-by-step process to refine AI-generated responses and transform them…
Backstage of “Going DEEP with AI: How Small Businesses Can Use Iterative AI to Unlock Better Results” (Part 2)
Backstage of Going DEEP with AI—Go behind the scenes and see exactly how we built the article “Going DEEP with AI: How Small Businesses Can Use Iterative AI to Unlock Better Results” using AI, with jIT’s AI DEEP methodology including the precise prompts, refinements, and lessons learned.
Why Your AI Isn’t Delivering the Results You Need—And How to Fix It (Series Index)
The Going DEEP with AI Series: Mastering AI Through Iteration Many small business owners turn to AI expecting instant value, only to be met with generic, uninspiring, or off-target results. The problem isn’t AI—it’s how it’s being used. If you’re not refining your AI interactions, you’re leaving massive potential on the table. This two-part article…
The AI Frustration: Why Your AI Results May Not Be What You Expected (Part 1)
Going DEEP with AI: How Small Businesses Can Use Iterative AI to Unlock Better Results Many small business owners and professionals have dabbled with AI tools like ChatGPT, hoping to generate insightful reports, creative marketing content, or even automate customer interactions. However, a common frustration emerges: the AI’s responses often fall short of expectations. Maybe…
Azure Getting Started via PowerShell
I have done hundreds of events and there are always obstacles to onboarding the attendees/students. I decided to create a succinct help document. I hope this helps PowerShell Everything after a “#” pound sign is a not and can be ignored; no need to paste that into the PowerShell window. Run PowerShell as an Administrator…
How To use PowerShell to Install and Import Modules and Connect to Azure–Step by Step
<# ========= Connect-AzureRm.ps1 ======================================= Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµ – Script Home: Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk!…
Step-By-Step How to change the Date and Time of a Meetup Event
I struggled a bit today trying to find out how to change the date of a meetup. I needed to postpone an event and the edit event page would not allow me to make changes to the date field. The date field is there but when you click on it you cannot change. The…
How to Connect and Edit Configuration Files for WordPress Running on Linux in a Docker Container Includes Changing Site URL
Here are the steps. 1) ssh to the linux host (using SSH or Putty, or whatever) change to Super User sudo su enter su credentials if required. If you cannot switch to su mode, then just add sudo in front of all the below commands. 2) confirm docker is running… Display a list of all…
Connect-AzureRm from Powershell HOW TO installing & import modules, authenticate (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Step-By-Step
Name: Connect-AzureRm.ps1 Purpose: Connect to Azure from Powershell. Includes installing modules, importing modules, authenticating (including multi-factor) and selecting the subscription Author: Dan Stolts – dstoltsµ – Script Home: Syntax/Execution: Copy portion of script you want to use and paste into PowerShell (or ISE) Disclaimer: Use at your own Risk! See details…
Setup Azure Pass for user who belongs to an Organization Account (AAD) Step-By-Step
Organizational accounts (Azure Active Directory or Office 365 Accounts) are handled differently than standard Microsoft Accounts (LiveID). Also, they often have multi-factor authentication. Adding an Azure Pass to these types of an account is often not intuitive so here are the step-by-step instructions… Step-By-Step… Image / FYI Information Description / Step breakdown Purpose: Login…
How to Create Additional Administrative Users on Windows Server 2016 Step-By-Step Video
See other great Step-By-Step and Hands on Labs at Video for now, Written Step-By-Step coming soon
How To Enable Remote Desktop for Administrators on Windows Server 2016 – Plus Adding Users to Windows Server 2016 Step-By-Step
Video for now, Written Step-By-Step coming soon
How To Install Add Hyper-V role on Windows Server 2016 Step-By-Step and Video
In this post, we will walk through the step-by-step process for adding and configuring Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016. Video AND Written Step-By-Step Instructions… Video Step-By-Step… Image / FYI Information Description / Step breakdown Preparation-Add Data Drive, Create Default VM destination Folder Best Practice: Create a folder on a non-OS drive to be the…
How To Dual Boot and Install Windows Server 2016 on Windows 10 PC using Boot To VHD Step-By-Step
Insert Windows Server 2016 DVD and boot your computer from the DVD. If you do not have the media, you will need to download. See for the Technical Preview. You could also download from MSDN.MICROSOFT.COM or other subscription service. You may also opt to create a bootable USB drive to use as an ISO.…
Installing Windows Server 2016 on Bare Metal Step-By-Step
Insert Windows Server 2016 DVD and boot your computer from the DVD. If you do not have the media, you will need to download. See for the Technical Preview. You could also download from MSDN.MICROSOFT.COM or other subscription service. You may also opt to create a bootable USB drive to use as an ISO.…
Create Bootable Windows Server 2016, 2019, 2022, Windows 10, 11 USB Thumb Drive for Installing OS – no .exe required BIOS & UEFI
These procedures were written and tested using Windows Server 2016 but will work on any version of Windows Server or Windows Desktop version 8 or above. They should work on prior versions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 and Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Note:…
How to Upgrade (install) Windows 10 PHONE or Downgrade (Uninstall) Windows 10 PHONE + Band 2.0 not able to sync Step-By-Step
I have to start with I LOVE Windows 10 Phone. It is way better than 8.1. It does have one downside and that is that it is still BETA software. I have been using Windows 10 phone now for about a month and have totally fallen in love with the interface and the capabilities. Unfortunately,…
PowerShell working with Azure Resource Manager RM – Step By Step Changing RM Subscriptions
There are two different types resource modes in Azure. One is the Service Manager (classic) and the other is the new Resource Manager. Resource Manager is the new model and much, much better for a bunch of reasons. Those reasons are beyond the scope of this post but the way to connect to the Resource…
How To Cleanup Email Address in Excel, Split User Name from Email, Extract Email Address
After downloading some email addresses from a registration database, I found that people use all different sorts of formats for the emails. Unless of course you do checking when collecting the data. Well, I had thousands of emails that I needed to cleanup. I turned to Microsoft Excel to help me make clean stuff up.…
IT-Camp Azure Labs–Appendix Extra Labs–Step-By-Step
IT-Camp Azure Labs Lab Home Page… Includes DOCx and PPTx Description and Live links to Series Lab 1: Building Foundation Virtual Network Storage Cloud Service Lab 2: Building Workloads Build Domain Controller Create SQL Server (SQL) Lab 3: Working with Identity Create Azure Active Directory Lab 4: Build Application & SQL Workloads Create Application…