Tag: Virtualization
TechNet Radio: ITProGuru vs. Hyper-V Live with Rob McShinsky (Part 1 of 2)
Are you up to speed on Hyper-V Live? Dan Stolts welcomes Microsoft MVP Rob McShinsky to the show as they discuss the new “Live” features found in Hyper-V for Windows Server 2012. Tune in for part one of their two part series as they’ll demo for us the Live Add Memory and Live Snapshot Merging…
Hyper-V Replica Step-By-Step #VirtExpert Virtualization Experts (Series Part 22)
Hyper-V 3 which is built into both the Free Hyper-V Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 (Standard and Datacenter) which you can evaluate for free (free ISO, free VHD), has some really awesome capabilities. You can read more about Hyper-V in the overview of the Server Virtualization Expert Series: Hyper-V Basics. In this article, we…
FREE Hands-on “Virtual Study Halls” with Live Expert Q&A
NEW HOURS! Based on popular demand, we’ve updated the hours for “Early Experts” Virtual Study Hall assistance – Fridays each week from 11AM to 1PM Eastern Time. – – – – – – – – – – There’s so many cool features to explore in the latest Windows infrastructure offerings that it’s hard to find…
Virtualization Deep Dive Day 2013 – Thursday March 14th in Cambridge MA–Make your knowledge and Career a priority
The Fifth Annual Virtualization Deep Dive Day is on. Deep Dive Day is a multi-track event with experts from around the country providing great technical talks covering just about every form of virtualization there is. Whether you are new to virtualization, or want the deep technical details on the latest for server, desktop, application, networking,…
Become a Virtualization Expert with 20 + Days of Server Virtualization #VirtExpert @ITProGuru (Part 0 of 20+)
Abstract: Scenario based – How to do “this”… In this blog post series, we will show you “HOW” to perform tasks using scenario-based simulations. If you are already familiar with virtualization using non-Microsoft technologies, we will provide you a ramp to quickly understanding how to operate and manage a Microsoft and heterogeneous virtualization environment. If…
Virtualization Jump Start from MVA
Register Now for the Next Virtualization Jump Start The Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) team is excited to open registration for the third course from our three-Jump Start series focused on virtualization. This course is designed for IT professionals who need to manage, monitor and automate VMware in their datacenter using System Center 2012…
Huge Wave of Technology Events Coming to the North East
New Meetup Group created to simplify reporting and management of event notifications. Please take a couple minutes to join the group at http://www.meetup.com/NEITPro/ Date Where / Registration Time Event Description 2/26/2013 Farmington, CT Microsoft 9a-4pm IT Camp – Server 2012 (Hands On) Most Monday’s Office Hours with ITProGuru Dan Stolts 8am-9am Please RSVP 3/5/2013 Providence,…
TechNet Radio ITProGuru vs. Hyper-V Replica with Clyde Johnson
Dan Stolts welcomes Clyde Johnson from the Boston Area Windows Server User Group as they discuss and demo us for Hyper-V Replica found in Windows Server 2012. Tune in as they give an overview of what Hyper-V Replica is, why its important for businesses as a disaster recovery solution as well as how to get…
More IT Camps Coming Soon–Register NOW!
You’re invited. Select the city below to register online or call 1-877-MSEVENT Farmington, CT 2/26 Malvern, PA 2/26 Chevy Chase, MD 2/28 New York, NY 2/28 Alpharetta, GA 3/7 New York, NY 3/12 Rochester, NY 3/13 Durham, NC 3/19 Glen Allen, VA 3/21 Malvern, PA 3/26 Cambridge, MA 3/28 Charlotte, NC 4/2 New York,…
Inside Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Replica With How To Setup and Configure Step-By-Step
Understanding Hyper-V Replica Hyper-V Replica is new in Windows Server 2012. It is an asynchronous, virtual machine replication technology that is designed for business continuity and disaster recovery. Using Hyper-V Replica, you can replicate a virtual machine from one location to another using just Hyper-V and a network connection, as illustrated in the following diagram.…
Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces (Part 27 of 31) by Kevin Remde
The 27th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud (Part 27 of 31). In this edition, Kevin Remde explains how you can leverage Windows Azure to learn “Storage Spaces” and…
Kickoff 2013 with 31 Days of Servers (VMs) in the Cloud
Happy New Year!!!! For the New Year all of my IT Pro teammates across the country wanted to get together and talk about 31 things we love and want to teach about having Servers (VMs) in the Cloud. Throughout this month we are going to be talking about Windows Azure IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). …
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows Azure on the Cheap (Part 26 of 31) by Blain Barton
The 26th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Part 26 of 31 – Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows Azure on the Cheap (31 Days of IaaS). In this edition, Blain Barton explains how you can Monitor and Troubleshoot Windows Azure with free resources or resources included in Windows…
Inside Dynamic Memory in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V–Everything You NEED to Know
What is Dynamic Memory? Dynamic memory was introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1. It gave the Hyper-V hypervisor the capability to dynamically adjust the amount of memory assigned to a machine based on memory demand. The reason we would want to do this is simple. If we can put only the amount of…
System Center 2012 SP1 Explained Storing VM in Windows Azure (Part 25 of 31) by Yung Chou
The 25th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at System Center 2012 SP1 Explained: Storing VM. In this edition, Yung Chou explains how to store and copy VMs to Windows Azure using System Center 2012. A noticeable capability now available in System Center 2012 SP1 is to COPY…
TechNet Radio: ITProGuru vs. Virtualization Community with Chris Harney
Dan Stolts welcomes Chris Harney from the Virtualization Technology Users Group (VTUG) as they discuss how his user group community recently expanded their virtualization platform knowledge beyond VMware to now include Microsoft Hyper-V. Tune in as they chat about their transition from a VMware only shop and how members are warming up to Hyper-V and…
TechNet Radio: ITProGuru vs. Virtualization
ITProGuru, Dan Stolts is back and in this episode he welcomes Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Matt McSpirit as they take a deep dive into how Windows Server 2012 and System Center 2012 stack up against VMware. Tune in as they talk about major industry game changers such as new features found in Hyper-V, Share Nothing…
Connecting Windows Azure PaaS to IaaS (Part 24 of 31) by Harold Wong
The 24th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud: Connecting Windows Azure PaaS to IaaS (Part 24 of 31). In this edition, Harold Wong explains how you connect Windows Azure PaaS to Windows Azure IaaS. If you’ve been following our 31…
Utilizing PowerShell for Integrating Active Directory into Windows Azure Virtual Machines (Part 23 or 31) by Tommy Patterson
The 23rd edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Utilizing PowerShell for Integrating Active Directory into Windows Azure Virtual Machines In this edition, Tommy Patterson explains Step-By-Step and command-by-command how you can utilizing PowerShell for Integrating Active Directory into Windows Azure Virtual Machines. Read the story!!! Utilizing PowerShell…
Windows Server 2012 Offloaded Data Tranfer (ODX) In Action Copy 10gb in 10 Seconds
Silverlight Video Jeff Woosley shows us how Offloaded Data Transfer (ODX) works as he moves 10gb of data in 10 seconds with no network traffic. This is a MUST HAVE capability if you buy a SAN. If you already have a SAN that supports ODX, this feature alone is well worth the cost and…