Hand-On-Lab HOL

IT-Camp Azure Labs–Lab 5 Building Application Workloads – Deploy Data Access App–Step-By-Step

IT-Camp Azure Labs Lab Home Page… Includes DOCx and PPTx http://ITProGuru.com/AZLab2 Description and Live links to Series Lab 1: Building Foundation Virtual Network Storage Cloud Service Lab 2: Building Workloads Build Domain Controller Create SQL Server (SQL) Lab 3: Working with Identity Create Azure Active Directory Lab 4: Build Application […]

IT-Camp Cambridge MA 10-04 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros

Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Discover Key Hybrid Cloud […]

IT-Camp Rochester NY 9-26 Discover Key Hybrid Cloud Solutions for IT Pros

Join local Microsoft cloud experts for a free one day IT Camp on Windows Azure. You’ll hear the latest on the Microsoft cloud platform, dive deep into Windows Azure Infrastructure Services, and participate in hands-on labs that demonstrate the power of this on-demand, scalable compute infrastructure. Thursday, September 26, 2013 […]

Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint Dev-Test Farm in the Cloud (Part 2 – Register a DNS Server in Windows Azure)

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services provides cloud-based storage, virtual networks and virtual machines that can be provisioned on-demand to support lab, pilot or production application workloads. In this multi-part Step-By-Step hands on lab format we will walk you through the entire process.  The introduction and index post can be found at: […]

Hands-on Lab: Build a SharePoint Dev-Test Farm in the Cloud (Part 1 – Get Started with Windows Azure Infrastructure Services)

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services provides cloud-based storage, virtual networks and virtual machines that can be provisioned on-demand to support lab, pilot or production application workloads. In this multi-part Step-By-Step hands on lab format we will walk you through the entire process.  The introduction and index post can be found at: […]

Huge Wave of Technology Events Coming to the North East

New Meetup Group created to simplify reporting and management of event notifications.  Please take a couple minutes to join the group at http://www.meetup.com/NEITPro/ Date Where / Registration Time Event Description 2/26/2013 Farmington, CT  Microsoft 9a-4pm IT Camp – Server 2012  (Hands On) Most Monday’s Office Hours with ITProGuru Dan Stolts […]

Installing Windows Server 2012 VHD and Metal –Hands On Lab (HOL)–Clyde Johnson

Boston Area Windows Server User Group (BAWSUG) www.WindowsBoston.org Post Content Created by Clyde Johnson of Boston Area Windows Server User Group!  Thanks Clyde Lab 1 – Installing Windows Server 2012 to Bare Metal Installing Windows Server 2012 a.      Insert Windows Server 2012 DVD and boot your computer from the DVD. […]