
How To Open Firewall Port 1433 for SQL Server Database Engine For Use With SCOM (or anything else)

In this very short video, I walk you through the step by step process of opening the 1433 firewall port for SQL Server.  I am doing it because I am setting up a new System Center Operations manager server but the procedures would be the same for any other application […]

Out of Disk Space on Drive C–How To Increase Space on Drive C of a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server 2003

Revised 4/2/2011 to add merge change instructions link and link to simple way to do this using diskpart. I documented the process at: How To Expand and Extend To Increase Capacity On A Virtual Hard Disk The Easy and Fast Way–Solve the problem of “Out of Disk Space on Drive […]

Using Differencing Disk and Sysprep Image to Create Hyper-V Guest on Windows Server 2008 R2 By Dan Stolts

Video Source: If your on Twitter please let me know what you think about this post @ITProGuru. Otherwise, Please place a comment on my blog.   Using a Sysprep image gives us the capability to create any number of servers with the base install done once.  In this short […]

Where To Download ISO Images For The Latest And Past Versions Of Microsoft Software Including SQL Server 2000 x64

I had a customer ask me today if it was possible to download SQL Server 2000 x64.  I am posting here so others can benefit from the answer.  If you have an MSDN or Technet subscription you can download the ISO image of the CD/DVD’s. If you do not have […]