ITProGuru Blog

For IT Executives and Engineers; Helping YOU architect & build successful strategies and solutions by Chief Innovation Officer Dan Stolts

Staggering Numbers – War, Spanish Flu and Covid-19 – Must READ and Share

  • Sept 11, 2001 2,997 Dead (1 day)
  • Spanish flu 50 million dead, more than died in both WW1 and WW2 combined. 
    • Americans died from the Spanish flu =670,000 (1-year);
    • Spanish flu infected 1/3 of the world’s population
  • US combat deaths (Major foreign wars)666,441 (many decades)
    • World War I. 53,402 dead (1 year)
    • WW2 291,557 US dead ( 6 years)
    • Vietnam 47,434 (20 years)
    • Korea 33,686 (3 years)
    • Not including:
      • War of 1812 (20,000~)
      • Gulf War (1,143)
      • Iraq War (36,710)
      • Afghanistan (22,311 and still growing) [(2001) 20 years and counting]
  • Covid-19
    • 2021/3/26 US 530,000 or 736,397 if including pneumonia and influenza as of ( 1 year) – just under 3 million dead worldwide
    • As of 2021/08/07 – US Deaths 614,291 (not including complications) (1.3 years). We are in the middle (or beginning?) of another major outbreak with 3,194 deaths per week currently being added to the numbers. More than 630 new deaths yesterday 8/6/2021 alone. New cases in the last 7 days 124,928. Total active cases in the last 7 days 698,094 “Staggering Numbers”. (approaching 3/4 of a million)
    • It gets even worse: The current target of the virus is our young. Kids that SHOULD have their whole life in front of them are getting sick and dying from this horrible Delta variant of Coronavirus. Data also shows that the number of people that have long-term (anticipated life-long) issues are more staggering than our death numbers. 🙁 Very Sad 🙁
    • Worldwide Numbers:
      Cases: Daily 630,646; Total 202,342,144 (Over 200 Million)
      Deaths: Daily 9,472; Total 4,286,694 (4.25 Million)
    • Intelligence is NOT the key: The United States, the most advanced country on the planet, is leading in all categories. How can a nation that is so advanced and filled with so much intelligence, be trailing every country on the globe in every category (per capita)? I believe it is because we (as a nation of people) have politicized masks, vaccines, and social norms.

The US has lost more people to Covid-19 (and complications) than combat deaths in all wars in our history combined except the civil war which had American losses on both sides (214,938) [avg daily deaths 449] and we are on track to have to add that to the list in 2021.

  • We are still losing more than double the number of people we lost per day from the civil war.
  • We are still losing more people every week to Covid-19 than we lost on the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks.

Covid-19 has now beat out Cancer, Heart Attack, and every other disease as the leading cause of death! As we approach the Spanish Flu Numbers (670,000) and All combat deaths in all our wars in our entire history (666,441). Let’s pray we do not get there!!! We have to do more than pray…

The numbers are staggering, wear a mask, and get the vaccine

and please, tell everyone you know to wear a mask and get the vaccine!

PLEASE, if not for yourself and your family, then for your neighbors and countrymen, wear a mask, and get the vaccine

Please Share Broadly, Together we can make a difference.
Thank You

2021/08/08 updated with latest numbers


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