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Scott Guthrie Comes to Boston, New York & More for Azure Red Shirt Dev Tour ’17

Whether you’re new to the cloud or a seasoned expert, you’ll learn something at the Azure Red Shirt Dev Tour ‘17. The Red Shirt Tour is all about code. Join Microsoft’s cloud chief, Scott Guthrie, as he codes live and demonstrates how Azure can help you solve some of your most vexing developer problems.

Register for Boston  (more cities below)


The Azure Red Shirt Dev Tour ‘17 is a FREE code-first event where you can connect and learn from cloud experts from Microsoft and your local community. It’s all about helping you become a better developer by teaching skills to develop, deploy, and manage cloud applications through robust demos.


8:45AM – 9:30AM Check-in & Welcome
9:30AM – 12:45PM Keynote w/ Scott Guthrie | Two 1.5 HR. Sessions w/Short Break In-Between
12:45PM – 1:30PM Grab Some Lunch
1:30PM – 2:45PM Coding on Stage w/ Scott Guthrie | “Azure Tips & Tricks” 2:4
Thank You & Event Close

Scott Guthrie, Executive Vice President, Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise Group

As executive vice president of the Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise Group, Scott Guthrie is responsible for the company’s cloud infrastructure, server, database, CRM, ERP, management and development tools businesses. His engineering team builds Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Active Directory, System Center, Visual Studio and .NET.

Choose a city near you

October 16th 8:45am – 2:45pm  Chicago: James Simpson Theater, Field Museum

1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60650
Register now for FREE

October 17th 8:45am – 2:45pm Arlington: AT&T Field, Main Club

1 AT&T Way, Arlington TX 76011
Register now for FREE

October 18th  8:45am – 2:45pm  Atlanta: Center Stage Theater

1374 W Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309
Register now for FREE

October 19th 8:45am – 2:45pm Boston: Seaport Boston

200 Seaport Blvd, Boston, MA 02210
Register now for FREE

October 20th 8:45am – 2:45pm New York: Cooper Union

7 East 7th Street, The Great Hall, New York City, NY 10003
Register now for FREE


NOTICE TO ALL PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYEES – Federal [including Military], State, Local and Public Education
This is a Microsoft event where items of value, which will include food and beverage, will be available at no charge to attendees. In order to comply with all applicable gift and ethics rules, Microsoft will not provide these items to Public Sector/ Government
employees without a signed authorization letter from your agency/institution gifting/ethics officer or responsible attorney. Please check with your ethics counsel to verify that you are permitted to participate in this event and receive items that may be offered. Please contact for a copy of the approval letter.