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Behind the Scenes of the 2016 Iowa Caucus App – Secure, Scalable, High Performance, Awesome App, Awesome Execution

Capturing more than 90% of the caucus results within three hours in a secure, accurate and trusted manner is an amazing accomplishment. In today’s special TechNet Radio episode, join Tommy Patterson as he welcomes the team that brought to life the 2016 Iowa Caucus app.

Built on Microsoft technology, the new platform featured a secure system, enabling precincts to report their results directly by party, ensuring that only authorized Iowans were reporting results.  Tune in and learn how this cross-platform app came to be — from planning, to testing and execution — and learn how Microsoft Azure’s cloud computing platform played a vital role in storing, managing and reporting the election results.

  • How did the planning process look like at the beginning of this project? What were some of the hurdles that had to be crossed?
  • How did this work from a technology perspective? What did you use?
  • What about the testing and security aspect of this project?
  • How did you handle performance issues?


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Behind Scenes of 2016 Iowa Caucus App Secure, Scalable, High Performance, Awesome App @Tommy_Patterson @itproguru