Monthly Archives: August 2015

TechNet Tour (IT-Camps) Coming

Using Microsoft datacenters as an integral part of your Disaster Recovery Plan: Free, hands-on event Please join us for a free, interactive event led by Microsoft experts. Do you want to learn about new disaster recovery options from Microsoft experts? Have you been putting off trying new technology due to […]

Azure Subscriptions with PowerShell

Demonstrate how Azure Subscriptions work and how to change default and current subscription.  Shows changing accounts and subscriptions with multiple subscriptions in an account as well as multiple accounts. Presented by ITProGuru Dan Stolts.  More scripts are available at See here for more ways to view or download!  

Provision Storage Configuration with PowerShell-Part 2 of Using Storage Spaces Deployment Guide

ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 After hardware validation, you can begin creating Storage Pools and Virtual disks from the disks. Run the ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 script with: PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 -Automated PS>> .ProvisionStorageConfiguration.ps1 –PhysicalDisks <physical disk objects> The first option is recommended and will add all of the SAS disks to the storage pool. […]

Azure-Accounts with PowerShell

See here for more ways to view or download! Demonstrate how Azure Account Authentication works Logging into Azure from PowerShell using multiple methods Download Script