Prerequisites – before we get started!
- For a complete list of Windows Azure Backup PowerShell cmdlets see:
- To Install Windows Azure Backup see Backup Windows Server Using Windows Azure Backup Step-By-Step
- To enable PowerShell for use with Windows Azure and Windows Azure Backup see: Install Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets Step-By-Step Connect to Windows Azure Includes Importing MSOnlineBackup Module
Scenarios / Tasks :
When working with the Windows Azure Backup [OB=OnlineBackup] system using PowerShell, you are working with objects for everything. Keep that in mind as you play with and create your own scenarios or tasks.
1) Get a List of running Backup Jobs and their current status:
2) Manage Azure Account from PowerShell
Add Azure Account: Often people find they have multiple Azure accounts that they want to manage. All accounts (first and subsequent) can be added using the Add-AzureAccount command. This command will pop open a box asking for information needed to authenticate to the new account. This is not needed if using certificate authentication.
3) How do I authenticate with Windows Azure from PowerShell using a certificate?
Please see Install Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets Step-By-Step Connect to Windows Azure Includes Importing MSOnlineBackup Module for full Step-By-Step Details
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile C:UsersCampAdminDownloadsBizSpark-Pay-As-You-Go-1-28-2014-credentials.publishsettings
4) How do I add the Windows Azure Online Backup cmdlets to PowerShell?
Import-module MSOnlineBackup
Agent must be installed first. See Step-By-Step for more details
5) How do I see what Online Backup commands are available from PowerShell?
get-command -module MSOnlineBackup
You will also want to update your help files to include all of the Online Backup cmdlets. You can do this by running:
Update-Help –module MSOnlineBackup
5) How do I see what storage resources are being used for Online Backup?
6) How do I see the status of a currently running job?
7) How do I see what the current schedule is for my Online Backup?
Get-OBPolicy | Get-OBSchedule
8) How do I see what files are being backed up?
Get-OBPolicy | get-OBFileSpec
If you want to save this information to a variable it would look like this…
$fspec = Get-OBPolicy | get-OBFileSpec
You could use this information to change the file specs using Set-OBFileSpec
9) How do I start an online backup backup using PowerShell?
Get-OBPolicy | Start-OBBackup
The job should give you realtime feedback about the job, but you could also use Get-OBJob (in another window) to see the status.
10) How do I enable throttling on certain days or certain times?
Set-OBMachineSetting -WorkDay “Mo”, “We” -StartWorkHour “9:00:00” -EndWorkHour “18:00:00” -WorkHourBandwidth (512*1024) -NonWorkHourBandwidth (2048*1024)
if you want to turn off throttling, you can Disable Throttling with:
Set-OBMachineSetting –NoThrottle
11) How can I check the state of the current policy?
Get-ObPolicy | Get-OBPolicyState
12) How can I create a new policy?
As of now, you cannot have multiple policies for a server so you will need to Remove-OBPolicy before creating a new one. If you deployed the server and have not setup a profile yet, you can use PowerShell to setup the initial policy. # Create new Policy
$fspec = New-OBFileSpec –FileSpec C:UsersCampAdmin*.*
$rpolicy = New-OBRetentionPolicy
$sch = New-OBSchedule
New-OBPolicy | Add-OBFileSpec -FileSPec $fspec | Set-OBRetentionPolicy -RetentionPolicy $rpolicy | Set-OBSchedule -Schedule $sch | Set-OBPolicy
Sample PowerShell Scrips working with Windows Azure
Setting up PowerShell for use with Windows Azure Online Backup see: Install Windows Azure PowerShell Cmdlets Step-By-Step Connect to Windows Azure Includes Importing MSOnlineBackup Module
Install Windows Azure Online Backup see:
Windows Azure Online Backup Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell:
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