ITProGuru Blog

For IT Executives and Engineers; Helping YOU architect & build successful strategies and solutions by Chief Innovation Officer Dan Stolts

Thank You For Your Community Service H2 2012

I note of special thanks to those community leaders that helped me in the most recent technology events brought to the North East.  It is due to the commitment of these community leaders that we are able to put on these free technology shows.


Community Leader Contribution
Clyde Johnson Boston Launch Event: Speaker Virtualization Session; Help with Labs; Help with Logistics
Bill Wilder Boston Launch Event: Speaker Azure Session; Help with Labs
Tim Mangan Boston Launch Event: Help with Labs
Todd Cioffi Boston Launch Event: Help with Logistics; Help with Labs
Erik Harman Rochester Launch Event: Speaker Storage Session; Help with Labs
Jason Graham Upcoming Events: System Center Speaker
Steve Short Rochester Launch Event: Logistical Support
Joel Bennett Rochester Launch Event: Volunteer Support
Joel Levine Rochester Launch Event: Volunteer Support
Clyde Johnson Waltham Launch Event: Speaker Virtualization Session; Help with Labs; Help with Logistics
Bill Wilder Waltham Launch Event: Speaker Azure Session; Help with Labs
Tim Mangan Waltham Launch Event: Help with Labs
Todd Cioffi Waltham Launch Event: Help with Logistics; Help with Labs
John J Ross Boston and Waltham Events logistics and setup support
Ron Thibeau Boston and Waltham Events logistics and setup support

I am sorry if I have left anyone out.  Please send me  a note if I missed you.


You ROCK!  It is great to see people care so much about the technology community.  Giving your most treasured resource (your time) is the ultimate show of selflessness!  Thanks for all you do!

We can always use more help.  If others want to give back to the community, please let me know


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