Windows Server 2008

Virtualization Webcast for All IT Pros – Online Training – What You Need To Know About The Hottest Virtualization Topics

Our team of IT Pro Evangelists including: Kevin Remde, Matt Hester, Chris Avis, Chris Henley, and Yung Chou is getting ready to start delivering a 20-part webcast series on Microsoft Virtualization Solutions on January 14, 2009. The objectives of this series are not only to help you develop technical depth […]

Migrating Windows Server 2003 R2 Virtual Guest from Virtual Server 2005 R2 to Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 or Hyper-V Server Using System Center Virtual Machine Manager

There are several things you must consider before migrating a machine from Virtual Server 2005 to a Hyper-V Host.  I thought I would make a post giving the quick list of how to do this so you do not miss any steps. These steps will produce a very clean machine […]