Tag: Evangelism
Microsoft Community Leaders Ready To Help With Community Driven Events And Training Opportunities
Microsoft IT Pro Evangelists are ready to help. With the many staffing changes over the last 8 months or so Microsoft has increased the number of “Community Leaders” in the IT Pro Space. As little as a year ago there was only one person for the entire east coast of the United States. Now there…
What is an IT Pro Evangelist Anyway?
Dictionary.com defines an evangelist as “a person marked by evangelical enthusiasm for or support of any cause” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/evangelist) Merriam Webster defines evangelist as, “an enthusiastic advocate <an evangelist for physical fitness>” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/evangelist) At Microsoft the IT Pro Evangelist is responsible for “enthusiastically advocating” and teaching about Microsoft IT Pro related products. This includes…