Dan Stolts welcomes back Jose Barreto to the show as they discuss what’s new in SMB for Windows Server 2012 R2. Tune in as they chat about all of the new features and functionality for Server Message Block (SMB) and how these improvements will affect your datacenter.
- [2:10] SMB 3 offers some new improved SMB bandwidth Management. Can you share a bit with us about the three traffic types and how they are different?
- [3:54] SMB 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2 offers new automatically rebalancing of Scale-Out File Server Clients. Can you tell us about this excellent technology for improving scalability and improving efficiency?
- [8:38] What about the new capabilities including SMB Multichannel and high speed migrations with low CPU utilization?
- [13:24] Can you share a bit about SMB over RDMA?
- [20:37] What are VHDX files and how does it work in terms of storage inside virtual machines?
- [25:30] SMB 1.0 is now an optional feature. Why?
- [28:48] What about SMB event messages?
Catch up on the other episodes of the Windows Server 2012 SMB series HERE.
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