We Need Your Help
As Leaders and Parents of the Scouting program you realize the value of the Annawon Council.
We need a successful Golf Tournament on September 9th as we work toward balancing our budget in 2013.
We need items for the Auction to raise additional money for the Scout Reach and Traditional Scouting Programs.
These items could be gift cards, baskets, golf related items, services, etc.
We would auction off anything that would help us raise more money for Scouting.
This is where we need your help. Do you or do you know someone that has something we could auction off at the Golf Tournament?
Forward this email to your friends!
We will recognize these donors in our Council E-News that goes out twice a month to 1200 households.
Contact Mark Nelson at 508-286-9202, Ext. 201, if you have any questions or would like to support Scouting.
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