Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces (Part 27 of 31) by Kevin Remde

The 27th edition of 31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud is now live at Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud (Part 27 of 31).  In this edition, Kevin Remde explains how you can leverage Windows Azure to learn “Storage Spaces” and more excellent technologies in Windows Server 2012.


What an amazing platform and opportunity for learning.   Creating virtual machines in Windows Azure is a great platform for trying out functionality that would otherwise be hard or expensive to do in your own test lab or on your own hardware.

So in this Part 37 of our “31 Days of Server (VMs) in the Cloud” series, and with the help of some instructions from some of our earlier articles, I’m going to help you set up a server that you can use to then go through a hands-on-lab on the subject of Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces.

“Sounds great, Kevin.  How do I begin?”

It’s pretty simple.  Here are the steps required to make this happen: ….


Read the story!!! Use Windows Azure to learn Windows Server 2012 Storage Spaces – 31 Days of Servers in the Cloud (Part 27 of 31)


You can find the landing page for the 31 day series at

Get Started Now – Create a free Windows Azure Account (NOTE: Free Account requires a Credit Card during registration but you will NOT be billed if you do not manually change your account to a Production/Pay Account)

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