ITProGuru Blog

For IT Executives and Engineers; Helping YOU architect & build successful strategies and solutions by Chief Innovation Officer Dan Stolts

Preparing your machine for SQL Server 2008 LoadFest – Installing OS on Virtual Guest

I had a client ask me about preparing his machine for the SQL Loadfest coming up at the end of this week.  He wanted to know if he could set that up on a Virtual PC environment.  I figured several others might have similar questions so figured I would answer it in a blog post.


1) Virtual PC 2007. Yes, virtual PC 2007 will run Windows Server and Windows 7 software.  You can download VirtualPC here…

2) I actually have a video on a step by step installation of the OS here… You cannot install x64 on VirtualPC. You can however install it on Hyper-V. You can follow the instructions for the initial setup for Windows 7 video for Windows 2008 Server then move to the Windows Server 2008 video for the actual server installation.

a. OS install on VirtualPC guest – Windows 7

b. OS install on Hyper-V x64 guest


Hope this helps.


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  • 24 Mar 2009 7:52 PM

    You answered my email in your BLOG … thanks much



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