I had a client ask me about preparing his machine for the SQL Loadfest coming up at the end of this week. He wanted to know if he could set that up on a Virtual PC environment. I figured several others might have similar questions so figured I would answer it in a blog post.
1) Virtual PC 2007. Yes, virtual PC 2007 will run Windows Server and Windows 7 software. You can download VirtualPC here… http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=04D26402-3199-48A3-AFA2-2DC0B40A73B6&displaylang=en
2) I actually have a video on a step by step installation of the OS here… You cannot install x64 on VirtualPC. You can however install it on Hyper-V. You can follow the instructions for the initial setup for Windows 7 video for Windows 2008 Server then move to the Windows Server 2008 video for the actual server installation.
a. OS install on VirtualPC guest – Windows 7 http://blogs.technet.com/danstolts/archive/2009/02/12/windows-7-beta-installation-step-by-step-webcast.aspx
b. OS install on Hyper-V x64 guest http://blogs.technet.com/danstolts/archive/2009/02/12/installing-windows-server-2008-x64-web-edition-as-a-hyper-v-guest.aspx
Hope this helps.
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