Who is Dan Stolts

Greetings Friends,


I am the new Microsoft IT Pro Evangelist (see my other post for what this means) serving the North East US region.  This is my first blog.  I will try not to bore you with details that do not matter.  I want to simply share a little bit of my background so you have a good idea of who I am and what makes me tick.


I have been working in the technology industry for over 20 years.  Much of that time as a consultant for various companies including a couple companies that I started myself.  I started out in the technology industry as a programmer.  I was a database programmer, coding in Clipper.   As the world changed to windows, so did I.  After some 6 years or so as a programmer, I moved into the IT Pro field doing programming part time and IT Infrastructure part time.  I am and have always been a bit of a workaholic so I would easily spend 40+ hours a week programming and another 40+ hours per week working on infrastructure.  I have always been a huge fan of technology and have always wanted to stay on the leading (and even cutting) edge.  I have been working with and promoting Microsoft and Microsoft products for many years.   For much of the last 13 years I have been running a consultant and hosting business which is a Microsoft Partner.  For the last couple years I have been an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Windows Server – File Systems and Storage.  I am very active in the community.  I am currently the president of Boston User Groups (http://www.bostonusergroups.org) and the past president and current board member of the Boston Area Windows Server User Group (http://www.windowsboston.com) .   I have also participated in many non-technology community groups such as the Rotary Club, Lions Club, Local Chambers of Commerce and is a mentor for the local high schools.


I am currently working on lining up a publisher for my first book which will be on server virtualization.  I am looking at a particular focus on Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V. Please let me know if you are smart on the topic and interested in being a technical reviewer for the book.  I am flat out excited to be part of the TechNet and Microsoft Across America teams.  I am eager to learn and continue to share my knowledge in books, white papers, webinars and of course, on a Microsoft stage.


I will be celebrating my 17th anniversary with my wife (Leslie) in October of this year.  I have one  child Brad  who recently turned three years old.  I am an animal lover like few others.  I have a cat, dog, and an 83 gal tank of fresh water fish.  I enjoy exercise, racquet ball, tennis, professional football (Go Pats!), Volleyball (I am on a local league), Frisbee, going to an occasional movie, live theater and most of all playing and spending time with my son.  My favorite place to go on vacation is Walt Disney World.    My passion in life is to teach others.  I love the self satisfaction of being able to help others with technology problems.   It is a longtime goal and dream of mine to be an educator of technology.  I see my new commitment to Microsoft as the North East US IT Pro Evangelist as a dream come true.


I am very much looking forward to working with and helping the hundreds of  thousands of Information Technology Professionals that make up the IT Pro community in the North East US.  Can you believe it, I get to help Microsoft’s customers (all of you) and get paid for it too!  What a country, what a company!


“This blog as with all my postings contain my own views and does not necessarily reflect the views of Microsoft”